The Kaiapoi Model Aero Club dates back to 1949 and has covered just about every aspect of aero modelling in that time. Today the major activity of the club is radio control power sport flying, both planes and helicopters.

The recent focus of the club has been its facilities, which are now excellent, so the club has now turned its attention to expanding both its membership and its range of activities.

The club welcomes new members, regardless of experience level. Anyone interested in starting in this fascinating hobby will find they are well served by our club. Beginners are often shy about getting started because they are aware how little they know, but at KMAC we all remember going through that phase, and we can put novice fliers at ease immediately. We can start training you before you even have a model – or even before you have decided whether to jump in or not! We have a club trial flight plane with dual controls so that you can “try before you buy”. At $10.00 a flight you can experience the thrill and the challenge of R/C flying, and if you get hooked we will give you all the advice you need.

We have a very strong training system in place, in fact it is a source of pride at our club. We will ensure that the beginner gets the right type of model to learn on, we will check it out before it is allowed to fly, we will test fly and trim it so that it flies as it should, and we will take the trainee through until he achieves his wings badge. This is obtained by passing the Model Flying New Zealand (MFNZ) wings test, which is rather like your driver’s license, and is recognized by clubs all over the country.

Flying at our club can be a sedate putter round with a scale Piper Cub, general sport flying with any model, precise aerobatics with a pattern model, or wild gyrations and hovering with fun-fly models.

Whether you are an experienced flier or a novice, you will find a warm welcome from fellow enthusiasts at the Kaiapoi Model Aero Club. If you have an interest in this rewarding hobby, then come and sample the camaraderie at our field or give us call.